Welcome to Beer Village Remembers - a website based around a local research project undertaken by the Beer 2014 Group. The aim was to identify and research the residents of the village of Beer in Devon who fought in the First World War. You can use our search function to find your relatives or any of the men from the village who served in the First World War.
30th December 2020
The Beer Memorial Avenue is nearing completion at last! The project to create an avenue of 30 small-leaved lime trees to commemorate all the...
Here you will find all our records of the people concerned and the battles and incidents that affected their lives during The Great War. Please click above or below to enter our comprehesive search facility.
As we add videos to our YouTube channel they will show here and you will be able to view film of commemorative events organised by the Beer 2014 Group.

View details of some of the battles and incidents experienced by residents of Beer who served in the First World War.

Start your search through the records of servicemen and discover their often surprising experiences in the First World War.